Michael Nicula

Michael Nicula

Michael Nicula is the Founder and Leader of the Online Party of Canada, a registered Federal political party. He is also a Web Entrepreneur, creator of HCM-Soft.com and Wi-Py.com.

As a Web Entrepreneur, Michael owns a company developing web-based business applications, such as HCM Soft and Wi-Py. ‘HCM Soft’ is a business software application supporting Human Capital Management outsourcing services: Global Payroll, HR Administration, Time and Expense Reporting, Benefits Administration, Skills and Qualifications, Appraisals, Job Evaluation, Career Planning, among other things. HCM Soft uses a SAP R/3 software license. Wi-Py (wireless payments) is a small payments and debts management application, designed for smartphone use, similar to Paypal, but free of charge.

Michael has used his web development capacity and experience in the not-for-profit world, building OnlineParty.ca – an online voting system designed to authenticate Registered Voters and provide an inexpensive and accurate political polling tool, aiming to replace the traditional ballot-based polling. In 2012 Online Party of Canada was officially registered as one of the eligible Canadian federal parties, putting Canada in the leading position as a nation ready to introduce Internet technology into the political process, enabling a more participatory political interaction between voters and elected officials.

Michael holds a Masters’ Degree in Architecture, an Executive MBA from the University of Washington and a CMA designation from the Society of Management Accountants in Ontario. He has been a successful Physics competitor, trained as a Technician in Nuclear Technologies, served in the army until being discharged honourably with the rank of Lieutenant.  Michael is a member of the Boards of Directors of several non-profit organizations.


Michael Nicula - Online Party of Canada

Rumanian-born Michael Nicula has packed an absolutely incredible number of experiences, careers, activities,...